A short video about the Ecclesia
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There are some strange goings-on these days at Paradise Farm. They're conducting a covert experiment while hiding their progress from the authorities. The collaborative enterprise barely avoids exposure when Michael and Lenny have a minor accident down by the entrance to Paradise. However, the organization narrowly manages to keep the project under wraps.
They dare to cling to their guns and religion in a world growing increasingly hostile to the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
. Moreover, a deep state confederacy is bent on replacing God with a political system where the masses worship the corrupt socialist elite's images on their TV screen as deities.
Dutifully, the masses follow in blind faith, believing every word, and obeying every command given by the image they worship.
In the first book, the author introduces the characters and the philosophy of the Exodus Project to the reader. In books two and three, the story becomes increasingly darker as the System subverts the authority of the free world as it insidiously takes control.
This book is an unprecedented apocalyptic adventure. A unique approach to the end times, considering biblical prophecy and some of the lost books of the Bible. Including texts that the original Christians read but which the Roman Church banned in 325 AD.
For instance, Noah's great grandfather, Enoch, did not die but was transported to heaven by God. Enoch was so laudable that God personally took him up to heaven, so why did the Church forbid the inclusion of his prophetic book about the end times from the Bible?
What is the Church trying to hide? What surreptitious knowledge is the Church hiding from us about the last days? What is it about Enoch and the End Times that the Church doesn't want us to know?
It is a must-read for any Christian who believes there is more to it than the Church is letting on.
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